Organic Black Chia Seeds
The Aztec Omega 3 Superfood
Ingredients: 100% Organic Whole Chia Seeds
Organic Certifications: USDA, EU, JAS
- Raw
- Gluten-Free
- Vegan
- Low GI
- Non-GMO
Nature’s Superfoods’ Organic Chia Seeds are 100% vegetal, gluten-free, non GMO and grown without the use of pesticides or chemicals. They are certified organic to the USDA and EU (Control Union) standards, and microbiologically tested to be safe for human consumption and contain about 20% of Omega 3 fatty acids (test results from a Singapore accredited laboratory). All this provides additional assurance to end-consumers on the quality and organic nature of this superfood, which is why our Peruvian Chia Seeds are premium Chia seeds.
CHIA SEEDS: Packed with Omega 3 fatty acids (about 3g in every 15g serving), antioxidants, and dietary fiber. Chia contains 5 times more calcium than milk, and 34 times more antioxidants than blueberries. The seeds have about 20% of complete protein with all essential amino acids (EFAs) that our body cannot produce on its own. Chia seeds are known to help prevent arthritis and osteoporosis.
Nature's Superfoods Chia Seeds is packed in an SFA-licensed facility. Our organic Peruvian Chia seeds have been microbiologically tested to be safe for human consumption and contain about 20% of Omega 3 fatty acids (test results from a Singapore accredited laboratory).
There is no significant nutritional difference between the black and white Chia seeds. Both have their fair share of Omega 3, antioxidants and dietary fiber. White Chia seeds will probably be more visually appealing in food recipes. However dark-colored foods are known to have more antioxidants than light-colored foods, generally speaking, due to the high pigment content.
Botanical name: Salvia hispanica L
Health Benefits
- Weight control
- Well-Being
- Fitness
Additional Benefits
Promotes Heart Health (Blood Sugar Level, Cholesterol & Blood Pressure)
- Improves Digestion
- High Fibre Content
- Supports Weight Loss
How To Use:
1) Add 1 tablespoon seeds to 1 big cup of water, juice or beverages. Stir well to break up any lumps, let sit for a few minutes or soak overnight. Stir before drinking.
2) Add seeds to soups, salads, oatmeal. Let seeds absorb water before consuming.
3) Bake seeds into breads and cakes.
4) Chia gel (mix chia seeds and small amount of water – 1 portion seed to 4 or 6 portions water – stir and let mixture sit for a while-15 to 30min- till it becomes gel) – stir chia gel into salad dressings, porridges, deserts.
Recommended daily intake: 2 tablespoons or 15g, any time in the day/night.
Children to take 1/2 (half) the recommended serving of adults.
Note: As Chia Seeds have a natural blood-thinning effect and can lower blood pressure, it may not be a suitable daily supplement for those with a history of low blood pressure.
Product of South America